> Education

Programs for Adults:

1.       Arabic Course
Arabic Course will be held regularly and sustainably, so that at the first we try to make head line for learning material according the level course. This class should be categorized into some level such as Level 0, 1, etc or beginner 1, 2, etc. Currently we just have a learning material for Arabic course on Level 0. So for the first time Arabic course class just for level 0 in which the learning material is divided into 7 time meeting (one meeting for one week).
Planning for the future we try the possibility to make the other class for next level (we should know the demand of this class)

2.       Book Review (Bidayah wa Nihayah)
Book review of Bidayah wa Nihayah is currently ongoing. It is only need to publish in MICC FB group about the content that we will study and the progress (weekly report) of the study.

Programs for Kids:

IE-Kids (Islamic Education for Kids)
In this program we will determine the kind of learning that should be given and teaching method that will be used. The teaching method and strategy will be explained in the IE-Kids team meeting later.

a.         Daily Doa, Short surah and the script of sholah (DSS)
Recite, memorize in Arabic and know the meaning. We try to arrange the doa that we will give to the kids according the importance and the most frequently used in our daily lives. One doa will be studied around 2 – 3 weeks to understand sufficiently.
After finishing daily doa, it will be followed by read, memorize and sufficiently understand short surah and the text of sholah step by step.

b.        Reading Al-Qur’an (RQ)

c.         Play and Socialization, plus Out-bound (PS+O)

d.        Listening and taking hikmah from Islamic stories and movies (ISM)
The focuses of this activity are akhlak and Islamic history.
As already done partly, this is one of the way to introduce the Islam prophet that started with Adam A.S.  as the first prophet until Muhammad SAW as the last prophet. 

e.        Wudhu, Sholat and listening Hadits (WSH)
We will do as usual. In addition, we need to focus to some hadits about akhlak and daily life of Muslims.

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